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The Fighting Moose

Jul 29, 2021

Egg rolls are delicious! In fact, I actually made some the other night to go along with dinner. However, in today's story, we don't talk about that delicious side dish, but we read about Peter Rabbit and his game of egg rolling. The story we are going to read is titled “Peter Rabbit's Egg Rolling and it comes to us...

Jul 24, 2021

Gentlemen...start your sails? To tell you the truth, I have no idea how they start a sailboat race but tomorrow will be the start of the annual Port Huron to Mackinac sailboat race, which is always a fun time around town. It's always a great time around town with all the festivities so why not celebrate here with a...

Jul 20, 2021

A few days ago, I found an article from “Times of India” with the title “Works by 'Wizard of Oz' author Frank Baum that you should read.” I read this article because I'm always looking for things to read so I figured I would give it a try. Anyway, one of the books on the list was “American Fairy Tales.” I...

Jul 5, 2021

We were swarmed by minks! Not really, but we had about 6 or 7 minks running around us the other day when we were on a walk. It was pretty cool because we saw them climb up over the sea wall and then start running away from us on the boardwalk. After that incident, I knew what I was going to do today's podcast about....

Jul 2, 2021

This week, we celebrate the formation of two countries. The first happened on July 1. Our friends to the North celebrate the formation of Canada that occurred back in 1867. The second, is the formation of our great country, The United States of America, which occurred on July 4, 1776. Today's story, which is titled...